Stamp Collecting: Youth
The hobby of stamp collecting often begins in children. It allows them to explore different subjects or countries, helping them to develop their own interests in the world around them. It is often an inexpensive hobby where the fun lies in hunting, gathering and organising collections.
Many philatelic associations, postal services or stamp dealers can help parents establish their child’s first collection through new releases, mystery boxes or even themed stamp packs. Material can also be collected from friends or family members who sometimes have old collections or boxes of stamps tucked away in an attic or closet that they are happy to pass on.
American Philatelic Society – Young Philatelic Leaders Fellowship
American Philatelic Society – Young Stamp Collectors of America
American Topical Association: Involving Youth in Topical Stamp Collecting
Ann’s YouTube Diaries: Kids Hobbies – Philately (Stamp Collection)
Little Kosher Lunch: Kids Activities using Junk Mail, Stickers and Stamps
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